Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Day in Tweets

  • 00:04 New #Blog Post: The Day in Tweets #
  • 11:45 This song in my head means it's time to get ready for work. ♫ #
  • 17:57 3 hours left at work. Looking forward to the next 2 days off. Hoping to make BOTH productive, not just one. #
  • 18:03 @wilw so many great matchups this year! Go Ducks! #
  • 18:07 I just realized how silly it is to say "Go <insert team name here>!" Go Ducks! Yeah, pretty silly. #
  • 22:34 New #Blog Post: Kitty in the Window and I Wanna Touch It #
  • 23:03 New #Blog Post: Are You Looking at Me? #
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